The foundation

The lycée français international de Tokyo (LFI Tokyo) is a French International Highschool belonging to a network of establishments operated by the Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger (AEFE), part of the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs.
We are a private educational foundation accredited under Japanese law and established by French authorities (AEFE) and the Governorate of Tokyo on December 20th, 2005.
- It welcomes 1550 students (current as of september 2023).
- All students are French-speaking, regardless of nationality. Courses are taught in French (with the exception of certain bilingual French/English sections). Japanese language and literature are introduced in the lower primary years.
- Students are welcomed from “petite section” (pre-kindergarten; age 3) to Terminale (age 18).
- As an exam center, the LFI Tokyo prepares students for the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB), as well a the Baccalaureat diploma. Additionally, the “international Baccalauréat” is available to Japanese-speaking and english-speaking students in the upper secondary school.
The foundation aims to :
- Meet the needs a diverse and ever-changing educational community and facilitate students’ aspirations of integration and/or ambitions of excellence while promoting an environment in which each student may succeed,
- Fulfill the role of a French educational entity abroad via a policy of inclusiveness and community, in particular through exchange with other schools or cultural organizations,
- Provide support, assistance and monitoring of students and their progress,
- Provide students with access to French language and cultural resources at home (e.g., Franco-Japanese children),
- Offer individualized assistance, employment assistance, and methods of integration to those students experiencing academic difficulty,
- Meet quality standards, in compliance with French objectives and curricular,
- Establish relationships with various partners (the french embassy, some private companies, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of France in Japan, Japanese and foreign schools in Tokyo, the lycée français de Kyoto...).